Sunday, April 7, 2013

So it begins...the idea.

Better late than never to try and get to know the San Diego/La Jolla 'Classical' music scene (referring primarily to pre-1950s music/practices still in keeping with basic Classical era traditions)...As a classical violinist and music major myself I feel guilty for not taking greater interest in the local classical performances until quite recently.  The past 3.5 years have mostly comprised of me trying to understand and eventually coming to appreciate the New Music but along the way I think I sort of forgot my roots & true love in traditional classical music performance.  But now's my chance to get out there and track down some San Diegans who still practice primarily 'Classical' style music & get an insight into their performance practices from the perspective of a budding ethnomusicologist, as well as that of an amateur musician.  I'm slightly freaked out by the fieldwork/interview aspect of this project (AGH MEETING NEW PEOPLE IS SO SCARY...especially if I get starstruck...) but maybe it'll be good for's gonna be okay.  I'll just keep telling myself that. 
[I'm particularly curious about the state of 'Classical' music in the 21st century in relation to the development of New Music...whether New Music can contribute to the survival of older forms of music practices or if it might eventually lead to its demise.]

I'm assuming my topic won't change by much (unless there's a vibrant underground Shoegazing/Noise Pop or 2-tone revival that I can infiltrate...*fingers crossed*) but I'm open to any & all suggestions.  Until next time:

1 comment:

  1. dunno, if you're into ska, there might be a local scene, there frequently is (I'm sure there's at least one in LA)—worth having a look. I'll ask about too.

    As to the classical stuff, you might see if you can get an interview with Steve Schick here—he's the famous percussionist in the department, but now conducts the La Jolla Symphony too—means he straddles both the New Music and, um, old music worlds. He's a really nice chap but travels a lot so is sometimes difficult to pin down—get on to him early if you think he'd be useful for you. I've got a couple of friends in the San Diego Symphony too I can reach out to for you if that'd be any use.
